Archive for July, 2009

I’m a little late posting this entry!  We did this activity the other day.  I decided to teach Jolie how to make some jewelry.  I had a bunch of beads in my craft bin, so I thought we’d make the girls some bracelets.  Jolie had a great time stringing the beads.  I was surprised that she could even get the little string through the hole, but she did!  Pretty good for a two and a half year old.  : )  This one was Jemma’s…



P.S. – Don’t worry…I didn’t let Jemma wear it long.  Last thing I need is for her to choke on some beads!  We’ll save it for Church when I’m holding her the whole time to supervise what goes in her mouth.  ; )

8 Months Old

July 14, 2009

Here we are again.  It seems like I’m posting monthly pictures of Jemma every other day.  Time is going by too fast!  *sigh*  Here are a few pictures of my sweet little 8 month old princess.




Just for fun I decided to document a week of activities with Jolie.  Today we made some squishy balls out of balloons and salt.  Super easy, super cheap and super fun!  She had a great time trying to juggle them afterwards.  We are patiently waiting for daddy to come home now so that we can watch him do his famous juggling for us.  He’s a pro at it!  Hurry up Daddy!



Stay tuned for Day Two tomorrow!…

Gotta love a good baby mohawk.  : )  Isn’t he too cute?!  I could just squish his little cheeks!  he he  Here’s a little sneak peek of today’s session.




Thanks for coming by today mama T.  He’s too cute!  I’ll let you know when your private gallery is ready for viewing.  : )


My most loyal client was back again today for a mini session.  This time it was all about mother and sons.  Here are a couple of previews:


