Cooling Off { Canberra Child Photographer }

November 18, 2009

We’re getting close to lift off date!  The movers will be here next week to pack up our house and start moving it all to Canberra!  Eek!  I have SOOOO much to do before we leave and I’m a bit freaked out!  I’ve got some editing to get done…LAUNDRY…two client orders to finish up…LAUNDRY…three photoshoots on the weekend…LAUNDRY…three sneak peeks to get up on the weekend…LAUNDRY…three galleries to try and get uploaded before we leave…LAUNDRY…cleaning the house…LAUNDRY…packing our suitcases…Oh, and did I mention LAUNDRY????!!!  Anyone want to come over and do my laundry?…LOL 

Before I get going on all of that, I took the kids to our last mum’s group in Darwin today before we leave.  It was a bit sad saying goodbye to all the kids and mums that we have gotten to know so well over the past two and a half years.  Whilst we were there we had a little dip in the pool to cool off.  Jolie loves swimming.  (Sidebar:  Did I ever mention that I was a lifeguard/swimming teacher back in the day for a few years?  LOL)  I took a few snaps while we were there to remember our last time together.  Here are a couple of Jolie:



Yes, I forgot her swimmers, so she was going it bogan style in her nappy… ha ha  Anyway, time to clean the house!  Stay tuned for the sneak peeks from my last three sessions in Darwin!


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