Archive for the ‘Baby’ Category

I had the cutest little seven month old girl in the studio today for a mini session.  Just love that big gummy grin!  Here are a few photos from our session today:

Thanks for coming by today Jen!  I had a great time with your sweet little one.  I’ll be in touch!


18 Months Old

May 10, 2010

Jemma is turning 18 months old tomorrow.  Does that mean she’s not a baby anymore?  *sniff*  I can’t believe how fast the last year and a half has gone.  My baby isn’t a baby anymore.  : (

As part of my Mother’s Day gifts I got to take the girls out for some photos.  I haven’t gotten any good photos of them together in like, forever.  So, my husband agreed to be my assistant and let me shoot until I was happy.  : )  I was worried that I was going to miss the colourful leaves before they all fell from the trees.  Luckily we found a spot with some colour.  It almost looks like fire behind some of the shots.  The sun was shining from behind through the leaves.  Love it.

Here are a few photos from today.  I think I’m going to have to get a canvas made in celebration of Jemma’s 1 1/2 years.  The colours are too beautiful not to.  : )

Happy Mother’s Day!

I had the pleasure of photographing another newborn boy on the weekend.  He was such a good model for me.  The boys seem to be more laid back these days.  He let me do whatever I wanted.  Love that!  He had the best hair too.  Thick and dark.  Such a cute little man.  :)  Here are a few photos from our session:

Thank-you for bringing your little man over Milly!  I still can’t get over how much hair he has!  What a sweetie.  I’ll let you know when your private gallery is ready for viewing.  Talk to you soon!


As promised…here is part two of the Fresh Face Winner post.  These sweet girls are the winner’s sisters.  As you can see, his youngest sister is a newbie.  She was only born 10 days ago!  We were waiting patiently for her arrival before we had the photoshoot.  We didn’t want the sweet little bub to miss out.  Here she is…happy, healthy and already smiling for the camera!

A sweet little sleepy one.  Love the little outfit mum brought. : )

Here is her big sister.  LOVE her hair!

So sweet!

You have a beautiful family Kathy!  I hope you like the pictures thus far.  I’ll let you know when your private gallery is ready for viewing.  : )


Just Jemma

March 8, 2010

Just thought I’d do a shameless post with my beautiful baby girl in it.  Sixteen months old already and as cute as a bug!  : )

Love you my baby girl!

~Mommy <3