Archive for the ‘Child’ Category

I finally convinced one of my clients to have their session near sunrise today.  I’m so glad I did.  The light is so much softer at that time.  Not to mention, it’s not as hot here in Darwin in the morning.  I had a great time playing on the beach taking pictures.  Here are a few from today’s session:






Thanks for waking up so early today Jodie!  I hope you like what you see so far.  I have a bunch of fun ones of Wil I am going to edit tomorrow and post on my blog as well.  I was cracking myself up laughing at his funny faces.  Stay tuned!



Love my beautiful girl.  <3

Is there such a thing?  Apparently my nephew can’t wait to be a “tween”.  He’s only 10, so he technically he has 2 years to go.  So, I guess he’s a “pretween” right now.  ; )  Anyway, I had an urban shoot with him whilst I was in Denver recently and I finally got around to editing them.  He is really into graffiti so we went scouting for locations for the photoshoot while we were there.  After searching for what seemed like forever, I finally found a few cool walls down in the Art District.  He was quite impressed with them.  I think they made for a cool backdrop, what do you think?






Hey Hunter!  I hope you like your pictures!  Miss you!

Love  ~Auntie Shanna  xoxo

I had a previous client back in the studio again today.  Last time she was here with her kiddies she only had two.  Now she has three, including her beautiful new baby girl.  The oldest girl was born at the same time as Jolie.  We hung out at the hospital together.  It has been fun watching them grow up.  : )  Here’s a little peek at some of the pictures we got today.







Thanks for coming by today Stephanie!  It was good to see you and the kids.  We definitely need to meet up for coffee before you go back to work.  : )


Just thought I’d sneak another post in here with yet another photog friend and her daughter from our Denver trip.  I love playing with all these pictures.  : D  Oh, and in case your wondering…I intentionally went crazy with the colour in that first one…LOL



Hey Meg!  Thanks for letting me take your pictures.  It was fun hanging out with you!  I’m still bummed I missed that Saturday though.  : (  Hope you like the pictures.  : )
