Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

I had the opportunity to photograph a special little girl’s first birthday party recently. I first met her back a year ago when she was a newborn baby. I can’t believe how fast time flies! She looked so pretty in pink and was SO excited to be the birthday girl! She had so much fun laughing and clapping. It was so cute! Here’s a little sneak peek from that day. Enjoy!

Canberra, ACT, Australia, Baby, Photography, Photo, Picture, Award, Winning, National, International, Event, Birthday, Party

Canberra, ACT, Australia, Baby, Photography, Photo, Picture, Award, Winning, National, International, Event, Birthday, Party

Canberra, ACT, Australia, Baby, Photography, Photo, Picture, Award, Winning, National, International, Event, Birthday, Party

Thanks again Shannon! Looking forward to photographing baby number two now! Yay!

~ Shanna

I had a great time capturing a fantastic event this morning.  PlayFEST is an annual event that is put on by ACT Playgroups.  Everyone had a great time despite the wet weather.  Lots of smiles everywhere!  Enjoy this little sneak peek:

Thank-you again to ACT Playgroups for choosing me to be their official photographer for the day!


I had the pleasure of being the official photographer for ACT Playgroups again yesterday.  This time it was for their annual Christmas Games.  Lots of fun to be had and pressies from Santa!  Who could ask for more?  ; )  Here’s a little sneak peek at what went on yesterday morning.  Oh and I couldn’t help but add a couple of cute kids from the day too.  How gorgeous are they?!

Thanks again to ACT Playgroups for choosing me as their preferred photographer for the day.


I was asked by ACT Playgroups to be the official photographer for this year’s Playgroup Expo in Canberra.  There was lots of fun to be had and plenty of cute little smiling faces.  Here is a peek at some of the photos that I captured yesterday.  Don’t forget to check out the next issue of Totline magazine for more photos from the event.

Thank-you to ACT Playgroups for inviting me along to help them remember this fantastic event.  I had a great time with the kids!  Until next year!
