Archive for the ‘Newborn’ Category

I had the pleasure of photographing the cutest newborn twins on Saturday morning.  A boy and girl.  So sweet!  Here’s a little sneak peek of some of the images that I captured:

Here’s the little sister:

Here’s the little brother:

Thanks for letting me play with your babies Sam!  They are so sweet!  I’ll let you know when your private gallery is ready for viewing.  Talk soon!


I had the pleasure of photographing another newborn boy on the weekend.  He was such a good model for me.  The boys seem to be more laid back these days.  He let me do whatever I wanted.  Love that!  He had the best hair too.  Thick and dark.  Such a cute little man.  :)  Here are a few photos from our session:

Thank-you for bringing your little man over Milly!  I still can’t get over how much hair he has!  What a sweetie.  I’ll let you know when your private gallery is ready for viewing.  Talk to you soon!


I had the privileged of photographing a new little baby boy this weekend.  He was only 10 days old and such a sweet little guy.  He was the most relaxed, sleepy newborn I’ve ever had.  It was a delight working with him.  Here is a peek at some of the photos we got while he was in the studio on Sunday:

Thank-you for bringing your sweet little boy by on Sunday Fiona!  I hope you like what you see so far.  Looking forward to sharing your private gallery with you.  I’ll be in touch!


As promised…here is part two of the Fresh Face Winner post.  These sweet girls are the winner’s sisters.  As you can see, his youngest sister is a newbie.  She was only born 10 days ago!  We were waiting patiently for her arrival before we had the photoshoot.  We didn’t want the sweet little bub to miss out.  Here she is…happy, healthy and already smiling for the camera!

A sweet little sleepy one.  Love the little outfit mum brought. : )

Here is her big sister.  LOVE her hair!

So sweet!

You have a beautiful family Kathy!  I hope you like the pictures thus far.  I’ll let you know when your private gallery is ready for viewing.  : )


Exciting Offer!!

March 7, 2010

***Offer no longer available***

I am currently looking for a set of newborn twins to add to my portfolio.  If you are or know someone that is pregnant with twins, please email me at .  I am offering a FREE session and a FREE CD with all of the images from the session.  This is a very exciting offer that is valued at $2,000!

The conditions are as follows:

1.  This offer is only open to pregnant women that are at least 30 weeks gestation from today.

2.  The newborn twins must be photographed no later than two weeks past the day that they are sent home from the hospital.

3.  A model release must be signed.

4.  I will only accept the first email.

Spread the word!
