Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

My Other Two Girls…

September 6, 2009

I’m back!  I had a great time visiting my family and playing photographer while in Denver.  I can’t wait to share all of the pictures I got.  Here are two to start.  These are my other two girls…

My sister:



My mom:


Love you guys!  Miss you already.  : (

Up High…In the Sky…

August 7, 2009

That’s where we’re going…I was telling Jolie the other day that we were going to visit Auntie soon.  We are going to fly up high in the sky in a big plane.  She looked up into the sky and thought about what I said.  Then she smiled.  Time to go visit auntie…



We’re heading off to Denver Colorado on Monday to visit with my sister and her family.  We haven’t seen them since Christmas 2007.  It will be so nice to give them hugs and loves.  My mom and dad are flying down from Canada to visit while we are there as well.  Everyone will get to finally meet Jemma for the first time.  We can’t wait!  We’ve been counting down the days for a long time now.  : )

During our stay I will be attending a Photographer’s Workshop in Denver that I’ve organised for 20 different photographers from across the US.  We’ll be working on a few different types of photoshoots for a couple of days, so I’m sure to have a ton of pictures to share when I get home.  I also have a maternity, newborn, child and family session whilst I’m there as well.  I guess it’s more of a working holiday than a vacation of sorts, but I love taking pictures so much that I’ll be enjoying myself immensely.  I will most likely not be updating my blog until I get home.  Unfortunately I can’t take my huge computer with me and all of the programs that I use to edit pictures, so it’s going to have to wait…BUT…watch out when I get back because you’ll be bombarded with stuff everyday for awhile!  I’m looking forward to it!

Catch up with everyone when I get back!  Ciao for now!


Two and a Half

July 31, 2009

Yep…that’s right.  Jolie is turning two and a half next week.  She’s growing more and more into a little girl.  No longer my baby.  Here’s a little snapshot I took of her today playing in the backyard.  What a sweetie pie.  Love that girl. <3


Oh, and the cute little hat is courtesy of my dear friend Heather from Denver, CO in the US.  Isn’t it so sweet?!  We got it in the mail today and were giving it a test drive.  :)  Jolie thought she looked pretty in it.  So do I!  Can’t wait to catch up with Heather when we are in Denver in a couple of weeks!  Love ya girl!


Today we made a shaker out of a fanta bottle.  Jolie loved cutting the paper more than anything.  She cried when I took the scissors away.  Jemma loved it though!




P.S. – That’s Nanny holding Jemma.  She’s visiting from Tasmania right now.  : )

Today I decided to show Jolie how butter is made. 



She was such a mover and shaker!  LOL  She had a great time.



This is what it looked like when we were done shaking it before we poured the liquid off.



Jolie chose what mold to use and picked the easter egg mold…LOL  So, here’s the final product…Easter egg butter pats…LOL
