Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

I’m a little late posting this entry!  We did this activity the other day.  I decided to teach Jolie how to make some jewelry.  I had a bunch of beads in my craft bin, so I thought we’d make the girls some bracelets.  Jolie had a great time stringing the beads.  I was surprised that she could even get the little string through the hole, but she did!  Pretty good for a two and a half year old.  : )  This one was Jemma’s…



P.S. – Don’t worry…I didn’t let Jemma wear it long.  Last thing I need is for her to choke on some beads!  We’ll save it for Church when I’m holding her the whole time to supervise what goes in her mouth.  ; )

8 Months Old

July 14, 2009

Here we are again.  It seems like I’m posting monthly pictures of Jemma every other day.  Time is going by too fast!  *sigh*  Here are a few pictures of my sweet little 8 month old princess.




Just for fun I decided to document a week of activities with Jolie.  Today we made some squishy balls out of balloons and salt.  Super easy, super cheap and super fun!  She had a great time trying to juggle them afterwards.  We are patiently waiting for daddy to come home now so that we can watch him do his famous juggling for us.  He’s a pro at it!  Hurry up Daddy!



Stay tuned for Day Two tomorrow!…

MY Family Pictures

June 29, 2009

It’s been awhile since we had family pictures done.  The last time was when Jemma was a newborn.  My husband has been bugging me to take some new family pictures for awhile now, but I’ve been a bit busy and it’s SO hard to take your own pictures!  Anyway, it was his birthday last weekend…we had a great time celebrating.  I made sure to book myself out for the weekend so I could devote it to my hubby instead of work.  One of his gifts was my promise to do family pictures within the week.  Yesterday was the day!  So, here they are.  This is as good as it gets with a wireless remote and no one behind the camera to get the kids to look at it and smile…LOL  Enjoy!








Self Portrait Challenge

June 28, 2009

It’s that time of year again.  Time to update my profile picture.  I started a challenge with some fellow photographers to do our own self portraits again.  This was my entry.  Taken today via wireless remote.  LOVE that thing!  :)

