I entered the state awards again this year after taking a year off when we moved to Melbourne. I still get butterflies when my prints come up to be judged. I hopped from room to room to see what the judges had to say when I saw my prints come up. Unfortunately I only had one print that was discussed even though another one had an optional challenge that wasn’t taken. I am pleased with my results though. I received three silver awards out of the four prints I entered. The fourth print was one point away from receiving a silver as well. So close! The most important print that I hoped would receive an award was one that I did of my friend and her son who had just had a heart transplant. I wanted to create this image to help raise awareness for organ donation. It wasn’t until my friend’s son was in need of a new heart that I even thought about the fact that if either of my children died, would I donate their organs? I discussed it with my husband and we decided that we would. I urge you to discuss this topic with your partner and come up with an answer to this question before it’s too late. I have been on the organ transplant registry for many years. Please consider putting yourself on the registry as well.
Here is the happy heart photo that won a silver award with a score of 82 out of 100. One of the judges scored this image an 88 but elected not to challenge the final score. Not sure why.

Here is another photo that I entered that scored an 82. This image was created to include a frame around the baby that was made from an image of a pregnant mother. If you look really close you should be able to see her in the frame. This image was challenged by one of the judges but unfortunately he couldn’t convince them to go higher. Perhaps they didn’t see the mother in the frame?

I also entered this birth story as I just love it and wanted to share it with everyone. This photo scored an 84. Very please with that! One of the judges even scored it a silver distinction.

Here is the photo that scored a 79. There were two judges that scored it an 83 and an 81 but they weren’t far enough away from the final score to be able to challenge it. The mum of this baby loved this photo and bought it so she could remember what life was REALLY like with a baby. LOL!

For more information about organ donation, please click here. For more information about HeartKids Australia, please click here. To donate to Ronald McDonald House, please click here.
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